-- In His Strength: It's Tough Being a Woman....week 4 www.superfluousbanter.org

In His Strength

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength --- Philippians 4:13

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's Tough Being a Woman....week 4

God ordained the timing

God has told His people from the time of Moses that He'd protect them and fight their battles for them as long as they worshipped Him only.

...feel the frustration and irony that the one who raised Esther can hardly reach Esther. The aides buzzed around her like bees swarming their queen and probably enbdeed up aideing her isolation more than her person. Not everyone who protects us and works hard to please helps us. Esther had become a dangerously buffered and pampered queen.

At our times of grates crisis and chaos, who wants to be told that we'd feel better if we looved better. (emotional trap of Esther)

Changing her appewarance had seemingly changed everything for Esther.

The thought seems reasonable that our way of getting ahead should work for anyone.

Sometimes we think a relationship would improve or an opportunity would arise if the person of our concern would do something about his or her lacking appearance. ...........if the injured heart that covered itself in sacloth isn't treated, it will manifest its pain elsewhere. Most of our problems are a world deeper than appearances.

The favor and sovereign plan of God changed everything for Esther, not appearances.

God alone chose a Jewish orphan girl.

Strength comes from muscle, and muscle develops with a workout. This is as true spiritually as physically.

If people around us helped us avoid every possible unpleasantry, fixed every hangnail, and anesthetized ever headache for us, we'd quuit learning how to deal with difficulty. We'd forget how to cope and we'd crush under the least inconvenience.
What we don't use, we lose.

Esther's superficial life was about to be shattered and a woman much deeper than her skin was about to be unearthed.

We like Esther are the warrior princesses of God

Oskar Schindler, who, despite many flaws, emerged as a hero by saving the lives of over one thousand Polish Jews during the Holocaust.

We tend to detach from sights and situations that make us feel badly about ourselves, especially when we feel powerless.

Sometimes we fear that fighting for what is right will kill us. To stand by and do nothing out of self-preservation is to be dead already.

...shaking the passivity out of her
(my desire, to be more active about decisions in my life and less passive)

...staying out of the king's presence was no less dangerous than entering it

"Esther, what if you were born for this very moment?"

You are royalty. You are in the most liuteral sense possible the daughter of the universe's King.

For now, the kingdom of God on this earth resides in you.

Right now you are erpresenting teh King on official business in another land, bu you are no less royal than the Queen of England would be if she visited the White House.

...you also have been placed in your speere of influence, regardlesss of the size you perceive it to be, "for such a time as this".

God determined hte times set before us and the exact places that we should live. You see, even your current location is part of the set-up for your kingdom destiny.

None of our purposes wsill be fulfilled easily. All of tehm will require the most difficult decisions we think we can make. Decisions that we may feel will practically kill us. Then God does something miraculous and we become something we're not.

...when all was said and done, I'd sit on that side of glory having much rather fulfilled my calling than served myself all the way to meaninglessness. I had to accept that I was not called to an easy life. I was called to a purposeful life.

What if this very thing, this very decision, is the most important piece of the puzzle comprising my purpose.

God would accomplish His will and do what He intended.

Beloved, in times of greatest struggle when yoiu make the Godward decision over convenience, earthly comfort, or carnal pleasures, you too have come to a critical moment in teh filfillment of your destiny. A defining moment. A war is being waged over your head in teh unseen realm, and a great cloud of witnesses is cheering you on. You have no idea what's at stake.

We simply have no idea what God will do with even the most reluctant life. Some leap to their destinies, some lag and loom. Yet, God persists.

A splintered people became as one timber

Esther came to what many would call her "defining moment". Sometimes our most important moments come hand-in-hand with our willingness to reveal that we aren't really who we've seemed to be.

....God allowed hardship and consequence to press against me from both sides until a decision had to be made and part of me had to die.

(Live victorious or Live defeated)

failure to decide i9s to decide on failure

Xerxes' scepter was in the had of God

"Miracle of The Moment" SCC


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