-- In His Strength: Goodbye 2005, Hello 2006 www.superfluousbanter.org

In His Strength

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength --- Philippians 4:13

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Goodbye 2005, Hello 2006

Please excuse the tardiness of this post, it's been a few weeks in the making.

Another year gone by... another year ahead of me. I look forward to what God has in store for 2006. Oh, I know what I want, but if it is not what He wants for me at this time...(as much as it pains me to say) I can wait...as I shakily type that last word!

My most cherished moments of the year all seemed to happen Fall semester. To recap on these things:

Our Fall Retreat back in October entitled the Father Heart of God struck me in a way it didnt the first time I attended this same retreat. God spoke loud and clear on what He thinks toward me, which left me in tears of joy at the altar while praying.

A few weeks later, we had our first ever Chi Alpha Women's Retreat, led by Krysty K and what an awesome job she did. I was only able to attend the first night as I had a stupid test on Saturday morning. OH what a night it was! Worship was fabulous, probably the best part for me. I didn't know most of the songs, but here we are singing these songs to God and my Spirit is being blessed by the words. Like God singning back to me, "This who I am, who I long to be to you!" Three pages of notes front and back, that's what I took away from the one evening.

The semesters bible study was also a breath of fresh air. Our theme "Captivating" was based off of a book we sort of went by from author's John and Stasi Eldredge. It was a book I just could not put down!

Christmas was I am sorry to say, not the most exciting as it has been in the past. I kept chiding myself for dwelling on the not so good parts of my trip home and tried to make a good trip of it, but it was hard. I guess I am thankful I even got to see my family over the holidays.

So now I am busy preparing myself for what is to be my last semester of college. ( I know, I said that in a previous post. But this time it's for real...Honest, only one more class to go! :) ) Reality really hasn't quite sunk in yet.

Then what, you ask? It's off to the wonderful world of Preschool. I hope to land a job somewehre here in Missoula, Montana. I have said for a while now that I would rather enjoy what I am doing and get paid little than have an enormously large-paying job that is just ho-hum. With preschoolers, time flies when you're having fun. And they are so darn cute!

I'm here 'til God moves me!


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