With God, ALL Things Are Possible ----UPDATE
So, in talking with my mother on the phone my mother had blessed me with more news abotu my dad and his pursuit of God once again. Dad would love to go to a Bible study if they could find one closer to home. Te one he has been atttending they drive 40 minutes both ways and it dioesnt get over until ten p.m. which is a bit late for dad (hes in bed by 8pm most days). Lately he was led the prayer at the dinnertable, something he has never done before. (wait, who are we talking about now? surely not dad! Oh yeah!!!). My dad has even expressed to my mother how he prays that his turning to God is for good this time.
With God All Things Are Possible I
With God All Things Are Possible I
At 9:26 PM, Anonymous said…
Tryna, this is very encouraging. My mother says my father believes in God, I see traits, morals and values of God in him. But I desire to see a hunger for God in him like you are starting to see in your dad. The times are coming...I am not giving up on him.
At 9:35 PM, XAgirl said…
That is so awesome. Yeah, my first reaction to my dads returning was initially "gee I wonder how long this phase is going to last. But then she explained how HE prayed that it would last. These past six months i have felt God is up to something, what with how He has been dealing with me too. I'm not suer what just yet. I never thought I would see the day.
At 7:27 PM, Beth Morey said…
That's awesome! I would love it if my dad turned around like that. I'm so glad for your dad and your whole family!
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