-- In His Strength: August 2016 www.superfluousbanter.org

In His Strength

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength --- Philippians 4:13

Sunday, August 21, 2016

HFTCN: Van is Fixed !

It feels great to have my van back again!  The Problem? Clogged air valve. Who knew it would make the car run so slow.

Today, I stayed through our movie  the children made light sabers, and had a blast having wars with each other. 

Our scripture verse of the day was John 14:3 , "
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Since Tank was trained the 'Bed' command using a rug, now, no matter where we are, if he sees sa rug, he will go and lie down on it.  This was the case today.  People thought it was cute

The day was as little less stressful what with now having my van back. But then we had a hard craft , one that I really couldn't understand how to do. A lot of weaving Para cord for a compass that you can wear on your wrist. I had to have someone else explain it.

Early arrivals practiced the dance with our team members.

Pastor Eisele (our youth pastor getting ready for VBS, upstairs getting sound ready, you could hear him singing.

Today, we had ALL SIXTY kids in one room for craft.  It was a tad noisy.

Somehow, they thought it to be hilarious hitting ME with the light sabers.   I would get them back when they least expected it. Ha!

I told myself that with SOOO many kids, I would be a bit strict with interaction with Tank.  God stepped in and reminded me that Tank could be a ministry tool. When opportunity arose, I would explain to children what Tank does for me, and tol, they may pet him. Some of the children I allowed to hold the leash, or walk him around where I could see them (Tank is a foodie, and so I wanted to monitor his nose on the ground)

A song we sang today was based off of Romans 10:9, "that if you confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved'.  Each time the song said 'you', I pointed to a child sitting next to me. BIG smiles from them when I did.
Two blonde brothers were so cute with Tank. One of them especially (drawing a blank on names, drats) I had a bag of treats with me and he would get Tank to do the basic stuff. I have a picture of him on his hind feet getting a treat held in the air.

Today in service, as Children's Pastor Joel Niles was giving a sermon on the difference between baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit, Larry Garcia got a surprise water bucket dumped over his head.

I asked a little girl today, "What was your favorite part so far?", her answer, "The part where I danced".  There was a lot of dancing going on during worship, as our worship team had choreography for each song we sung.

Pastor Red Star in a black curly wig, "Stayin' Alive" song
Pastor Eisele, "Who Am I?" Casting Crowns song

15 first-timers
20 children accepted Christ for the first time!

Later in the day, a VBS-er saw me kicked back in my power chair and thought it was cool.

Allyssa, fun to play around with. She and I tried to poke each other in the belly. Ow, my ear!

Joystick on my chair , "Joy" stick as children love to play with it. I gave some an opportunity to drive my chair (with me still in it) while they walk beside me. Only one managed to run over his/her toes.

HFTCN: Message ~ Adrian Garcia SIN and the Egg

Not a Trace of A Migraine All Week!

August 11th 2016

WORSHIP : Pastors Jeremy and Trish Eisele
"Here For A Reason" resonated within me today

James 1:22 ~ Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

"Everything" skit moves me every time (even during the practice)

Hula hoop contest (PICTURE) winner

Joel (skit) F.B.I~ Fry Bread Inspectors

I stayed behind and relaxed in the cool hotel room while others went and did street evangelism. It was too hot out there for me. Cathy and I played Yahtzee

My Van is supposedly fixed! YAY!!!  Michaeli Layerle and Trish Eisele went and picked it up.

Revival service at the church was off the HOOK!

Sunsets in Montana never cease to amaze me (I had pictures taken thank you to Kim Rockwell)

God slipped a thought into my head today:  How do I act once I leave the sanctuary?

Lord, help me to live up to /live out what You have spoken to me today, this week.

Ya know, I brought both my manual AND my power chair, I expected to use my manual chair more. However, after the first day my back was pretty tired and sore. I've used my power chair more than the manual and I think it has been a real witness for the youth here.
The kids think it's cool!  I have let them push buttons, and control the chair (with me in it) and on a low speed.    But I think since the van issue, Trish Eisele and Esther Valimont have had the most fun.
 Tuesday , 45 children total

HFTCN: VBS and Custer's Battlefield

Okay, so I posted a lot of what God did to us and through us on our missions trip to Crow agency, this post is entirely dedicated to the kids and how ,well, of course, I wanted to take them all home with me

Hardin and Lodgegrass
Crow Native Americans

Psalm 33:12 (our theme for the week)
Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen for His inheritance

I was up at 5:30 a.m. to be a the church at 7:30a.m.. After a quick prayer of safety for all, and we were on the road  by 8:00 a.m. Well, we were supposed to be, most everyone showed up late (Bitterroot time)

Tank and I are in my van, Kim Rockwell is driving and Cathy Rouse is riding shotgun. I am situated behind the drivers seat with my power chair locked into place. Tank is already asleep on the back seat, guarding my suitcase. Cathy Rouse makes jewelry as part of her work, so she and Kim were talking about porcupine quills made into jewelry.
Even after all that praying , .....what ministry trip would be complete without a test (a little engine trouble) ?  My van decides its going to run slow. Huh, gauges looked normal, but suddenly we are doing 25 on a 80mph highway. We pull over...../
     "The enemy has been defeated, death couldn't hold you down. We're gonna lift our voice in victory , make our praises LOUD! Shout unto God with a voice of triumph, shout unto God with a voice of praise! We lift Your name up, we lift Your name up!
     Stopped at a rest stop/gas station to inquire of my parents to know what to do.  Josh Weaver, pastors son, buys me a pack of gum. Cathy meanwhile, is the calm  and encouraging one.
When I get stressed, apparently I chew gum faster. Meanwhile, on Christian radio, "Here in the power of Christ I stand!"  All I can do is laugh in the enemy's face. We are getting there one way or another.
In our waiting, Kim's girl Alyssa has a game with origami. Apparently, I will marry a prince and have a pet dog. GREAT, I am already halfway there!             

Day two we are driving to the church from our hotel and there is an awesome lightning show going on all around us.

Wait. .....suddenly nobody can find Pastor Eisele ......he had gone fishing on someone's boat  with a few others.

Later in the day, I am cutting pool noodles so that we may decorate them as light sabers. And two of our VBS'ers are having light saber wars with me. HA!

A child's laugh is the best sound in the world

One of the children says to me, "You have a cute dog, he's super cool!"  Thanks kid, I couldn't agree more.  :)

Our schedule each day consisted of children in three groups, Kindergarten and 1st grade was first, 2nd and 3rd graders in the second group, and finally the 4th through 6th grades. We ended with lunch for all the kids, which  we were able to participate in. To make conversation with children, on occasion I would ask a child what their favorite part of the day was. 

After each day of VBS, we had the choice of hanging out in our hotel rooms OR , going sightseeing. As tired as I was , I was able to rest a bit before we headed out.

Our first day was taking a tour of Custer's Battlefield.  I found it interesting that Custer converted the Crow Indians to Christianity. I noticed that upon looking at the grave markers,  a few scattered here and there were not white, but black.  It turns out that the black markers represented Native AMericans who were killed.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

HFTCN: How to Have a Missionary Heart ~ Larry Garcia

Children's Pastor : Joel Niles ~ The Great Commission
Romans 10:9

Ephesians 4: Five different types of ministry
    Teachers (integral of making disciples)

Every single one of us is a missionary
Romans 10:10-15    

God wants to bless me abundantly when I answer the call
Matthew 28:19

When we go forth, God is with us.

I have a mission from God

(John 9:1-7) my favorite verses
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” Having said these things, he spit on the ground and made mud with the saliva. Then he anointed the man's eyes with the mud and said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which means Sent). So he went and washed and came back seeing.
Rosy Garcia (Larry's mom)  
 Potter's Hand

Teach me Lord, what it means to live by faith


vs. 7 bare feet
How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness,
who publishes salvation,
who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal
What is my 'Why'?  ~ Make it all about Jesus
                                    Make it greater than defeat

Romans 5:8
but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Dunamis : Dynamite power

Ephesians 2:14 ~ He is our peace

Particia ~ separates

   God broke it down at the cross
         Come to the throne of grace with boldness

Lord, break the walls of bitterness
     and of separation

Step out of the boat just like Peter did

<3 all="" bid="" come="" lord="" me="" nbsp="" ord="" out="" p="" the="" to="">     Matthew 14:28

Romans 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Everyone has the right to hear
Whosoever call on the name of the Lord shall be saved  ~ Romans 10:13

Joshua and the battle of Jericho
Ch. 6 and  7 (5:13 - 6:27)

<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">
I am the vine, you are the branches.....Apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5)

Ephesians 6 ~ Armor , Prayers, supplication

Supplication : Press on through
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">James 5:16 The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">Continue until you see breakthrough!
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">James, camel knees
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with=""><3 3="" bad="" do="" how="" victory="" want="" you="" your="">
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">It is not for ME to do the changing, God changes the person, situation.
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">

<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with=""><3 are="" as="" br="" come="" scripture="" verses="" you=""><3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">
Matthew - Come unto me, all [ye] that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.:

Isaiah 55:1- Ho, every one that thirsts, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

 James 4:8- Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse [your] hands, [ye] sinners; and purify [your] hearts, [ye] double minded.
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">Matthew 16:24 - Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Revelation 22:7 - And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that hear say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

Isaiah 1:18- Come now, and let us reason together, say the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

<3 are="" epistles="" nbsp="" p="" walking="" we="">
WHAT are we fighting for?

He WILL direct us and make our paths straight

*****When I fall, GET BACK UP!*****

March toward your goal

But our light afflictions are only for a moment 2 Corinthians 4:17

Romans 8:37
17 victories Where am I at?
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with=""><3 are="" epistles="" nbsp="" p="" walking="" we="">
We are called to be victorious

$$$ Exercise the authority God gave you $$$

Where am I at?
Get out of your comfort zone

CHALLENGE: Lord, what would You have me do?

<3 claim="" day="" i="" lord="" p="" today.....every="" victory="">
Joel: Prayer
"Mustard seed"
Don't let the enemy tell you that you are not worthy.

God wants ALL of me

<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with=""><3 are="" epistles="" nbsp="" p="" walking="" we="">

<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">
<3 and="" calling="" doesn="" dry="" even="" fall.="" god="" high="" if="" leave="" on="" our="" p="" t="" the="" us="" we="" with="">

HFTCN: (Guest Speaker) Pool of Bethesda

WORSHIP:   ♪ One Way!
                      (I live by faith and NOT by sight!) Lord, am I impatient for what You want to do?

                    ♪  Good Good Father
                              (God: Live for what I have for you *today*)
                               "You are perfect in all of Your ways to us"
                                 Surrender your will, your dreams

                    ♪  I Call Your Name
                                Live for the moment, live for today
                                Your bring Your kingdom and stand by my side
Pastor Eisele repeated the line and told someone thee needed to hear it again.... (Probably me)

* You Restore the Broken*


                  ♪    Great I AM

Father, I elevate YOU above all my problems
SCRIPTURE : valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37) =
There is nothing that He cannot do
The Lord is the same yesterday, today, forever

Pool Of Bethesda: Jump  in the Water!
Let God do what He wants in your life

"God IS changing me!"

John 6:30
So they said to him, “Then what sign do you do, that we may see and believe you? What work do you perform?

GOD has the last word!

I have purpose today!

<3 he="" heart="" knows="" my="" p="">
♪  It IS Well ♪

Father, teach me to live for what You have for me today

I am NO NONGER a slave to fear!

God, what are You going to do?  (when I awaken each morning)

He has power to transform ANY situation

Lord, heal my mind, my thoughts

<3 god="" i="" listens="" p="" pray="" when="">     God, do what You have to do

Thank You God for giving me life!

NO MATTER WHAT, I will not forget Jesus

My mind
It's all Yours!
It's all Yours!

Keep praying for the church

Praying for others,  blessings which cannot be contained

♪ Let It Rise ♪

Seen driving on the street : A motorcyclist with a boom box strapped to the back (I should do this with my power chair)

HFTCN: Ephesians 5

*Know who you are in Christ*
(Why an I here?)
I am here because God decided
Tell the good news to those who have no hope
Share what God is doing in your life
*I have the Spirit of God!*
I can give the Spirit of God
God loves me NO MATTER WHAT!

Soul winners, not soul keepers
I am here for a reason, a Bigger purpose, God has a Bigger Plan


I may have nothing, but I have LOVE< COMPASSION

The best things cannot be bought

Matthew 28:19-20
 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

HFTCN: Evening Service

Evening Service ~ Church of the Open Bible

Song by Trish and Jeremy Eisele , "I won't go back"

Prayer ,
Father, remove the chains on this nation. Drugs, alcoholism, abuse, oppression. Soften hearts to the Gospel. Give your ministers BOLDNESS to go where there is need (even if that means me)
Call us out God, to go! Call Your people out of their sin!

Worship: I'm Forgiven
                Your Love Oh Lord
                Where the Spirit of the Lord Is.... (there is freedom)
                We Wait For You (To Walk In the Room)
                The More I Seek You

GOD:  I'm in the little things AND the big. Invite me in!

Pastor Joel Niles : Anointing, Power, Presence

                  I Could Never Thank You Enough

Father, break through the barriers
              we're not good enough
                             strong enough
                             smart enough
                             capable enough

Replace it with God-Confidence

Break chains of distraction

"There is a HUGE need, right here!" ~ Pastor Eisele

***** Give me a heartbeat that says, "What can I do?"

*Filled with the Spirit every day


Don't yield nor submit to the enemy

Ephesians 5: Our fight is not with flesh and blood, know who you are in God

45 CHILDREN TODAY!!!  (each day we saw an increase)

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HOPE for the Crow Nation ~ "I'm a Transformer"

 <3 5:1-5="" p="" romans="">FAITH triumphs in trouble
(Transformational, not just functional)

Romans 5:3-4
and not only that, but..."Lord, where are You now!? God, what are You going to do with this?"

Mogli ~ Jungle Book, "We've got to learn them all we know"
     <3 glory="" in="" p="" tribulations="" your="">
My father did not tell me how to live, but lived and let me watch

*** God's plans are not the same as ours ***
God, why have You stopped me here?   Listen

2Corinthians 12:9 ~ But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me

His grace is sufficient

Things may not be going the way I planned, but God is still in control
Jeremiah 29:11

Don't think small
Is everything I have sufficient for Him?

<3 2corinthians="" 4:17="" p="">2 Corinthians 4:17 ~ For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison

(Be a Proverbs 31 woman)
worker, doer
Don't look for a husband
Do what God has called you to do today
Be a victor, not a victim

He has given me everything I need to do what HE has called me to do *today*
(I tend to look waaay far ahead into the future, which gets depressing)

Romans 8:18
<3 5:1-5="" p="" romans=""><3 glory="" in="" p="" tribulations="" your=""><3 2corinthians="" 4:17="" p="">For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us
Am I lifting up my problems more than my praise to God
<3 5:1-5="" p="" romans=""><3 glory="" in="" p="" tribulations="" your=""><3 2corinthians="" 4:17="" p="">
<3 5:1-5="" p="" romans=""><3 glory="" in="" p="" tribulations="" your=""><3 2corinthians="" 4:17="" p="">Romans 5:3-4 , produces character
<3 5:1-5="" p="" romans=""><3 glory="" in="" p="" tribulations="" your=""><3 2corinthians="" 4:17="" p="">Through him we have also obtained access by faith[a] into this grace in which we stand, and we[b] rejoice[c] in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,

Philippians 2:22 (we shall be doing the same today)
But you know Timothy's[a] proven worth, how as a son[b] with a father he has served with me in the gospel.

brother from another mother, brother from the same father

Joint heirs

In my weakness, His strength is perfect
His grace is sufficient

Be transformed, to be a transformer

D.O.G.S. ~ Disciples of God's Son

WORSHIP: Peace Like a River
                    Open the Eyes of My Heart
                    Let it Rise

In our fellowship time after service, I had the opportunity to share some of my life story with Pastor Red Star.  Very encouraging

<3 5:1-5="" p="" romans=""><3 glory="" in="" p="" tribulations="" your=""><3 2corinthians="" 4:17="" p="">
<3 5:1-5="" p="" romans=""><3 glory="" in="" p="" tribulations="" your=""><3 2corinthians="" 4:17="" p="">
<3 5:1-5="" p="" romans=""><3 glory="" in="" p="" tribulations="" your=""><3 2corinthians="" 4:17="" p="">

<3 5:1-5="" p="" romans=""><3 glory="" in="" p="" tribulations="" your=""><3 2corinthians="" 4:17="" p="">
<3 a="" be="" not="" p="" victim="" victor="">


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Monday, August 15, 2016

HFTCN :Proverbs 18:6 ~ A fools lips walk into a fight and his mouth invites a beating

Pastor Harris Red Star Hardin Bible Church
Proverbs 18:6 ~ A fools lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating

I serve a God who is mightier
They (the world) want a brother, sister, encourager
My prayers are powerful!  Even more powerful than a pastor sometimes


Pastor Jeremy Eisele : Smith Wigglesworth ~ God said it, I believe it, that settles it!

Empty me Lord, and fill me with You!

"Indian Time" (when church starts, usually an hour later)

my prayer : "Lord, stir up a hunger for You, to know You! 
(God answered one night when children rushed to the altar when they were asked who wanted to live for Jesus. 

WORSHIP: Pastor Jeremy Eisele  ~ Protect your pulpit
"Oh Happy Day!"
"Here for a Reason"  ~ speaking right to me, a pep-talk of sorts, to myself
*NEW* Come Like the Dawn
Take Me In
     my prayer, "Lord, don't let me come out the same!"
Oh, the Blood of Jesus
<3 in="" jesus="" p="" victory=""> 

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Hope for the Crow Nation ~ God Wants Us Here for a Reason

Sermon ~ Pastor Joel Niles (Hamilton Assembly of God children's Pastor)
  Why Did God Save Me?
Worship: To tell others (Michali)

God did not save me to go to Heaven. There is a work for us to do here on Earth.
Be obedient when He tells you to do something.
 <3 ask="" do="" equip="" for="" god="" he="" me="" not="" p="" something="" that="" to="" will="">Even in my discouragement God, give me the means to do , to give me the strength what He has me to do.
     Philippians 4:13 ~ I can endure all things.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving ; when you are discouraged, think of something you are thankful for
 <3 eyes="" keep="" open="" p="" spiritual="" your="">
***<3 u="">Tell the enemy he HAS to flee!

am a 'Game Changer' ~ Pastor Redstar  (Hardin Bible Church ~ Hardin, Montana)

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HAOG Missions Trip 2016 ~ "Hope for the Crow Nation" VBS/Revival

Months before this trip, God implanted the desire in my heart to embark on a missions trip quite like the trips I had taken with Chi Alpha from the University of Montana. I prayed every night, for a solid week; but the enemy crept in, then, sorta forgot about it. March rolled around and the desire once again was stirred in me. Wednesday night before teaching Rainbows, my Sunday school, helper talked about a missions opportunity she was embarking on. I must have looked interested in it because the next thing I know she is asking ME if I wanted to go. Out of my mouth before I could think came a resounding, "YES!" Oh, but then I gave an excuse that I didn't have someone to help me with my evening and morning routine, not to mention a few extra's.  She said she would be willing to help wherever needed. (Prayer answered!)
  At church two days later, the missions opportunity was presented by a husband and wife from our congregation. An opportunity to minister on the Crow Native American reservation. The opportunity stirred something in me as I immediately began to recall a ministry opportunity on the reservation in Canada with Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship on the university of Montana-Missoula campus. (What tribe, I am drawing a blank). I remember sharing my testimony and my college pastor's conversation with me afterward; how much their youth pastor was touched by my testimony and how he felt it was good for the youth to hear.
     This current missions trip was to the Crow agency, a Native American tribe in Hardin, Montana. The trip consisted of putting on a Vacation Bible School for the Crow children, preschool to sixth grade. Four days of singing, dancing, crafts, drama's, Bible stories, and prizes! Our last day would be filled with sight-seeing in the town of Hardin.
     Commence nine loooong months of waiting, praying, planning and fundraising (Indian taco's, YUM!).
           Are we there yet?!

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